Case Study

How Hello VPN achieved conversion rate of 200%

Hello VPN

keyword growth in 5 months


keywords ranked in top 10


increase in organic growth rate




Hello VPN: Hub and Hotspot Proxy





  • App Store Optimization
  • Growth Hacking
  • iOS


“Hello VPN: Hub & Hotspot Proxy” is a premier proxy VPN client known for its top-notch security, speed, and privacy protection. In a competitive market, the challenge was to surpass competitors and establish Hello VPN as the leading choice. 

Client Background:

Hello VPN offers users a secure and fast means to connect with the world from anywhere while ensuring Wi-Fi security, anonymity, and privacy protection.


The challenge was to elevate Hello VPN above all its competitors in the proxy VPN client market. The goal was to compete and become the top choice for users seeking security, anonymity, and privacy.

Our Solution:

We accepted the challenge and devised a unique strategy to make Hello VPN stand out:


  1. Competitor Analysis: We conducted an in-depth competitor analysis to identify gaps and opportunities. This allowed us to position Hello VPN strategically.

  2. Creative Content Campaigns: We launched creative content campaigns focused on Hello VPN’s unique features and benefits. Engaging videos, infographics, and blog posts showcased its superior security and speed.

  3. User-Centric Approach: To enhance user experiences, we implemented user-centric features based on user feedback, making Hello VPN more user-friendly and efficient.

Results and Outcomes:

Our creative approach yielded remarkable results:

  • 670% Keywords Growth (5 Months): Hello VPN experienced a staggering 670% growth in keywords it ranked for, increasing its visibility in app store searches.

  • 12 Keywords in Top 10: We achieved a significant milestone within a short timeframe, with 12 critical keywords securing positions in the top 10 app store search results.

  • 200% Increase in Organic Conversion Rates: Creative content and user-centric improvements led to a substantial 200% increase in organic conversion rates, turning more users into satisfied customers.


Hello VPN’s journey from a competitive player to a market leader is a testament to the power of creativity and user-centric strategies. Our experts successfully positioned Hello VPN as the top choice in the proxy VPN client market by conducting competitor analysis, launching creative content campaigns, and focusing on user satisfaction. This case study highlights the impact of a unique and innovative app marketing strategy in achieving market dominance.