Case Study

How Tonki increased their keyword growth to 500% in 5 months

Tonki- Impression Photo Design

keywords growth in 3 months


increase in organic conversions


Tonki Design


Tonki- Impression Photo Design


Germany & France



  • App Store Optimization
  • iOS


This case study showcases how we successfully elevated the online presence of Tonki – Impression Photo Design, a French application specializing in printing photos on recycled cardboard frames. Our challenge was to achieve keyword rankings in a competitive market with localization considerations.

Client Background:

Tonki – Impression Photo Design offers a unique service by printing photos on eco-friendly cardboard frames, providing a creative way to decorate spaces or offer thoughtful gifts in France.


The primary challenge was to enhance Tonki’s visibility and keyword rankings in a highly competitive segment while incorporating localization to cater to the French market.

Our Solution:

To address this challenge effectively, we devised a tailored solution:

  1. Market and Competitor Analysis: We conducted thorough research on the French market and the competition, identifying key trends and opportunities.

  2. Keyword Localization: We selected relevant French keywords and phrases, optimizing app store listings for the local audience.

  3. Content Enhancement: We improved the app’s store listing, including the title, description, and visuals, to align with the chosen keywords and resonate with French users.

  4. User Engagement Strategies: Strategies were implemented to boost user engagement within the app, encouraging positive reviews and ratings from the French-speaking audience.

  5. Performance Tracking: Continuous monitoring of keyword rankings and user feedback allowed us to make real-time adjustments for optimal results.


  • Market and competitor analysis guided our approach for the French market.
  • Keyword localization involved selecting and integrating French keywords.
  • Content enhancement improved store listings to align with French language and culture.
  • User engagement strategies targeted the French-speaking audience.
  • Ongoing performance monitoring facilitated timely optimizations.

Results and Outcomes:

Our efforts yielded impressive results:

  1. 500% Keywords Growth in 3 Months: Tonki – Impression Photo Design achieved a remarkable 500% growth in keyword rankings, substantially enhancing its online presence in the French market.

  2. Top Keyword Rankings in 12 Weeks: Three crucial keywords secured positions at numbers 2, 3, and 5 within just 12 weeks, significantly boosting the app’s visibility and discoverability.

  3. Increase in Organic Conversion Rate: Our strategies led to an increase in the organic conversion rate, indicating a more engaged and satisfied user base.


In a competitive market with localization requirements, we successfully elevated Tonki – Impression Photo Design’s online presence in France. The impressive 500% growth in keyword rankings, rapid top keyword rankings, and improved organic conversion rate demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategies. We remain committed to helping Tonki maintain and expand its presence in this vibrant market.