12 Must-Use Apps for every marketers & app developer

There are some of the best marketing apps that can be fruitful for you. If you are an Apple, Windows and Android fan than your marketing application can assist you in every step of your marketing activity. With a few touches, you can have all the information you need — what’s trending, how people are responding to your messages, what are the latest best practices.

Best marketing apps

1. Buffer: It is an app that helps you to share the content on social media channels by letting you schedule posts to be published at ideal times. You can even let Buffer decide what time is best.

2. PixxFly: It is an outbound marketing of apps that automate the distribution and syndication of all your content to various channels across the web with one simple click.PixxFly also provides some analytics for each post.

3. Pagemodo: Used primarily to set up your Facebook business or organization pages. The Pagemodo helps you create engaging visual elements and customized features that encourage fan interaction without professional help. It also allows you to schedule posts and finds the most relevant content for your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

4. Hootsuite: It will allow you to manage the multiple social media accounts, analyze traffic, track brand mentions, schedule posts, messages, and tweets–  all from one interface.

5. Sprout Social: Sprout Social allows you to schedule, publish, and analyze posts across all your social platforms from a single window.

6. Tint: Though not strictly a social media management tool, Tint is an exciting app that can create social hubs to engage audiences. You can pull content from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and Pinterest on your dashboard then it will embed them as custom feeds into websites like WordPress, Wix, or Tumblr.

7. Buzzsumo: Buzzsumo helps you take a deeper look at what’s popular or trending on social media and who are sharing.

8. Mention: It will help you easily to keep track in real-time and what’s being said about your brand so you can react quickly. It will send you alerts showing your mentions each day.

9. Cyfe: Social can get overwhelming with so many areas to track. Cyfe makes it easier by allowing you to customize your dashboard to monitor your data all from one place.

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10. Dynamic Signal: A dynamic signal is a tool that lets you distribute either your own content or some you’ve curated from the web to employees who can then re-share it on their personal social media profiles.

11. sample: SoAmpli encourages employees and Co-workers to be brand advocates through social sharing.

12. Everyone Social: Using a clean & simple interface, Every Social is designed to amplify your brand presence by building a team of employee advocates to share your content on their social media accounts.

So these were the best marketing apps that every developer and marketer must consider.

Source By: #entrepreneur

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