A guide for cost-effective App Promotion on the social media

Social media platforms are playing a vital role for business persons for the promotion of their brands and products. Social media marketing is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get attention and comes in the eyes. As per study and research social media contributes to a great for the marketing. In this blog, I’ll share you some of the effective ways in terms of cost for the social network marketing use.


Going ahead and starting your social media promotion you must make a plan and strategy for your campaign. Mind it sure that creativity is holding an important place for getting views of users in social media. Good creativity defiantly gives results in marketing through social media.

Key factors which are important for Social media marketing of an app

  • Cost Per Install – CPI
  • Retention Rate – Measure as a percentage of users who use the app even after a certain number of days of installing.
  • LTV – This can be calculated as LTV = ARPU x (1/CHURN) in which CHURN is a number of users who left the app after a certain amount of time. So this can be called as the value of your app user over their lifetime.
  • ARPU – It is average revenue per user which is calculated as the total revenue generated by the app/ total active users of the app.
  • MAU and DAU: It is monthly and daily active users.

Different ways for Social media marketing

Facebook Promotion

Keep in mind that you need to keep the user retention high to get cheaper installs. This is the main criteria for effective social media marketing. There are a lot of options available on Facebook. Here is the right sequence of actions.

  • Firstly create the Facebook App ID of your
  • Now add Facebook SDK
  • Adding App Events

FB Ads setup tips:


Facebook recommend at least 100K+ targeted audience and its targeting options are correct. You must keep this thing in mind that your audience should not be too less.


In case if you choose automatic placement, by analyzing the audience Facebook chooses the options.

Budget and Schedule:

You can set Facebook to optimize ads for app install ads. It can be either for link clicks or app installs. It will show your ads to people who have the intention of downloading your app when you choose app installs.

Bid strategy:

When you are unsure that how much to bid and set the range of bid you can consider the Automatic bid option. For the Facebook Ad design, you can take these best practices.

  • Use screenshot of your app
  • Contrasting color should be used
  • In case of carousel, ads use continuing images

Keep the video of length 30 sec or less than that and present it in a square or vertical way

Instagram Ads:

The advertising rule of Instagram is close to Facebook one. Both of them are similar in a way. There are 4 ad formats available for Instagram advertisement.

Image Ads:

Through this kind of ads, the audience can watch a beautiful story about your app.

Video Ads:

You can easily share the video of up to 60 seconds. This video can be of good motion, sound and power of sight.

Carousel Ads:

Through this people can easily swipe and can see additional images. To learn more, people can follow a business or can use a personal website.

Instagram Stories:

These are photo series and self-destructive videos. This format also allows for inserting a short advertisement.

Promotion on Twitter

Setting up an Ad campaign on Twitter is easy and one of the best social media promotion ideas. With the Twitter card, one can directly download the app easily from the tweet. Even you can select any App cards which are previously tweeted. These campaigns are made for working on a cost per app click pricing system.

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