Best video ads network for number of app marketing in app store

About Video Ads:- Video ads are one type of ad that can appear on mobile apps. They can show on mobile app screen if you have chosen to display ads and are a using supported ad size. Advertisers can purchase video inventory based on clicks or impressions. Publishers see how video ads network perform across their video inventory on an RPM basis.

How did Video Ads work?

The ad first appears as a static opening image. When a user sees the image, we count this as an ad impression. The video will play if the user clicks the image or play button.

If the user clicks the display URL or clicks the video ads while it’s playing, he’ll be taken to the advertiser’s website or app store. We count this as a click in your reports.


Best video ads network tools for app store marketing:-

  • Chartboost  Chartboost offers mobile game developers the ability to deliver the same interstitial and mobile video ads across cross-promotion, direct deals and the mobile ad network with just one SDK. Set up once and run campaigns across multiple channels.
  • AdColony – AdColony is a premium mobile video ad network and monetization solution.  Our ads are always HD video and audio and feature our proprietary Instant-Play™ technology.
  • Vungle  Vungle is the way developers put video ads in their apps. Vungle’s breakthrough video ad-serving technology and user-first approach has led to its track record of success and made it a necessary infrastructure for applications.
  • Flurry App Circle– Flurry helps leading brands and agencies connect with consumers on smartphones and tablets. Our solutions let marketers target their desired audience and measure the impact of mobile campaigns. We take a highly consultative approach and tailor each campaign to meet your marketing objective.

After the video Ad network, we will move to Promotion Campaigns 

Source By: #apptamin, #Google Search

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