Google Play icon design specifications

Apps & Computer Games around Google Play are embracing a brand new system to fit diverse programmer art to the various UI designs, shape factors, and apparatus of Google Play icon, and to create attention and also an appearance. Contours are easier to consume and visually appealing. They help users concentrate on art, as opposed. They mend problems brought on by arbitrary space to present info, like price, evaluation, and the name.

Google Play icon design specifications 01 Google Play icon design specifications 02
Freeform – original format The uniformed – new format

These pages explain the instructions you have to follow when designing a resources list on Google Play. Because corners and drop shadows rounded for the program icons, then they should be omitted by you from your assets.

Crucial: If Alternatively, you Are interested in learning more about creating APK launcher icons, That Can Be Different from the Google Play icons described with the Site, View the Tools below:

  • Android Adaptive Icons
    Follow these APK icon guidelines to learn how to create adaptive launcher icons introduced in Android 8.0 (API level 26).
  • Product icons
    Discover Material Design principles for product icons, including guidelines for icon design, shapes, specs, and treatment.

Google Play icon design: Attributes

The strength distance can be populated by icon artwork, or you are able to design and position art elements such as logos on the grid. Utilize key lines as being a principle, not a rule when setting your art. Ensure After creating your own art it conforms to the next:

When creating your artwork, ensure it conforms to the following:

  • Final size: 512px x 512px
  • Format: 32-bit PNG
  • Color space: sRGB
  • Max file size: 1024KB
  • Shape: Full square – Google Play dynamically handles masking. The radius will be equivalent to 20% of the icon size.
  • Shadow: None – Google Play dynamically handles shadows. See the ‘Shadows’ section below on including shadows within your artwork.

This section describes some guidelines you should follow when creating visual assets for your app on Google Play.

  Total asset size  Product icon key lines

After the asset is uploaded, Google Play dynamically applies the rounded mask and shadow to ensure consistency across all app/game icons.

On the left-hand side is your new icon asset. The following three images on the right-hand side show Google Play dynamic processing of the icon.

Google Play icon Sizing

Utilize the full asset space as the background when dealing with minimalistic artwork.

Use the keylines as guides for positioning artwork elements (i.e. logos).

Google Play icon design 1 Google Play icon design 2
Your full-bleed artwork (final asset) The end result with shadows and rounded corners dynamically applied by Google Play

Don’t force your logo or artwork to fit the full asset space. Instead, utilize the keyline grid.

Google Play icon design 3 Google Play icon design 4
Don’t. Don’t force drastic brand & artwork transformation to full bleed Do. Place freeform icon artwork on keylines instead

Illustrated artwork typically works well as a full bleed icon.

Google Play icon design 5 Google Play icon design 6
Don’t. Don’t scale down illustrated artwork onto keylines Do. Utilize full asset space so your artwork occupies the entire icon

Google Play icon Shadows

Google Play will dynamically add a drop shadow around the final icon once uploaded.

When adding shadows inside your icon artwork, consider consistency with the Android platform by following Google Material guidelines.

Google Play icon design 7 Google Play icon design 8
Don’t. Don’t add drop shadows to your final asset Do. You can create shadows and light within the artwork

Corner radius

Google Play dynamically applies the corner radius. This ensures consistency when the icon is resized across different UI layouts. The radius will be equivalent to 20% of the icon size.

Google Play icon design 9 Google Play icon design 10
Don’t. Don’t round the edges of your final asset Do. Fill your entire asset with the artwork when possible


Embedded badges take away from the artwork itself and don’t scale down well with the icon.

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Caution. Avoid communicating promotions on your artwork Caution. Avoid using branding badges

Brand adaptation

If shapes are a critical part of a logo, do not force the artwork to full bleed. Instead, place it on the new keyline grid.

Google Play icon design 13

From left to right: original icon asset, new icon asset (recommended adaptation), new icon rendered on Google Play.

If possible, pick a background color for your asset that’s appropriate for your brand and doesn’t include any transparency. Transparent assets will display the background color of the Google Play UI.

Google Play icon design 14

From left to right: original icon asset, new icon asset (recommended adaptation), new icon rendered on Google Play.

If there is no distinct shape around a logo defining it, place it on a full bleed background.

Google Play icon design 15

From left to right: original icon asset, new icon asset (recommended adaptation), new icon rendered on Google Play.

If your artwork is flexible enough, consider tweaking it to fully utilize the asset size. If that’s not possible, revert to placing the logo on a keyline grid.

Google Play icon design 16

From left to right: original icon asset, new icon asset (recommended adaptation), new icon rendered on Google Play.

Legacy mode

Uploading an icon for each of the specification won’t be allowed at the time of May 20-19. Watch details. Initial icon resources that have yet to be upgraded each the specifications will gradually be migrated to heritage style and scaled-down 75 percent into the key line grid size (512 * 0.75 = 384px).

Google Play icon design 17

Original icon assets will be automatically turned into legacy mode assets and be scaled down 75% of the o new keyline grid.

Instructions for API users

To utilize the specification. All calls for Edits. images: that the upload will likely employ whatever specification is configured from the Play Console. There’s no method to employ the specification via API. The Edits. images: Hide telephone might possibly mistake if the older specification remains employed, and also the error message for this particular icon will direct you to the specification. Until it is going to triumph, you might want to retry the telephone times.

Achieve the same result of migrating all other f icons to the brand’s newest specification or “legacy style” from June 2 4, 20-19.

Beginning on June 17, 20-19, all API calls for Edits. images: that the upload will automatically employ the newest specification into the icon. Earlier June 17, 20-19, programmers should use the Play Console Migration dates are different for API consumers After June 17, 20-19, you should upload The specification that is new.

iOS Screenshot Sizes and Icon Sizes
Source By: Apple Connect, Como Help Center,
I hope now you understand How to submit the iOS app to iTunes connect

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