How App Store Keywords Brainstorming Help To Get Good Ranking?

One of the most important moments of your app marketing plan is choosing your app’s keywords. To improve the keywords searching, App Store Keywords brainstorming is helpful. It is seen that developers struggling with the final selection of keywords when they work on keyword optimization. All what is needed is the app title, keyword field & IAP display names. Your app will only appear in the search results for keywords and key phrases present in those fields.

How keywords are important in ASO:-

The first thing your potential users will see is your app name. You should know this thing that whatever words you put in the app name, they also act like keywords. These keywords used to have more importance for search results than the actual keywords For best result we need some brainstorming keywords. You have to consider all possible keywords and key phrases that could lead to your app.
We’ve found that an ideal list has, at least, 2000 keywords and key phrases per language.

App Store Keywords Brainstorming

These are some way to find unique keywords for app store optimization.

  • App Store Keywords Brainstorming

Start to write all keywords which come in your mind while thinking about your app. Do keywords brainstorming & try to find more relevant words. Make a list of those keywords & you can use into ASO ( ** After see ranking & traffic). App Store Keywords Brainstorming also increase your mental skills. So you can more improve your app keywords.
According to app nature just think what will user search in-store or just think about app feature and write quality like graphics or sound. If it is a game then find its categories like puzzle, action or sports. You can classify it as a single player or multiplayer. The combination of plural and singular word search results is supported by The App Store’s algorithm. For other apps, think about its functionality, the problems it solves, places where it will be used, what tools it has, etc

  • Use Google Adwords keywords planner to get ideas

Google Adwords Keyword Planner is great for generating new keywords and finding related keywords. But the true value of this tool lies in providing good key phrases using your current keyword list.

  • Track Competitor’s Keywords: –

First of all, list your competitors. Search the store for apps with similar functionality and theme. Then, look for ones with the same art style.
There are some tools like “Keyword Spy” or “Competitor’s Keywords” in a market. These tools match searched keyword or key phrase with search results. So the list you get is made from words that are found on all metadata fields the search engine. It is not necessary that they found in the keywords field only.

  • App Store Reviews Can Give New Keywords-

Always analyzing your competitors’ positive reviews is another way to find interesting keywords. Users write what they like in apps like graphics sound or any features, these can help you while making new keywords.

  • Use Thesaurus Tool:-

Thesaurus helps you in search of similar words for describing your app. as we know multiple words can have same meaning so we can use the alternative of the words to make our app unique and searchable. The best online options are and Since you can only search for one word at a time, only use this method for the most relevant keywords.

  • Research Web:-

Typing in keywords, letter by letter, in a search engine and waiting for its suggestions is another simple way to find valuable keywords and keyphrases. Google and app store are perfect for this. Remember that long keyphrases are common on the web, but not in the App Store.

  • Some specific tools for this.

You can use some ASO tools to find out relevant keywords those are very helpful Sensor Tower, Search man etc.

Sensor Tower –Sensor Tower is the leading app analytics platform that is used by many companies. It is very useful in improving the organic user acquisition, keep up to date with competitors and manage reviews. Almost every company and developers are aware of sensor tower and they use it for getting good downloads for their iPod, Android, iPad, and iOS.

Search Man SEO –SearchMan SEO is an app store search engine optimization (SEO) tool that allows developers to track app discoverability based on keyword popularity, competition, and relevance. SearchMan SEO offers keyword suggestions for specific apps and provides developers with the ability to compare their apps’ search rankings against those of their competitors.

MobileDevHQ –MobileDevHQ is another app store optimization platform. It is helpful for app marketers to rank highly in app store search. It is increasing the quality of users and also providing lower cost downloads. Bring your paid, organic, and owned marketing channels together in one place.

Tips to increase your app business
These tools are there to help you—they won’t generate the perfect list. You must use your mind to find keywords. Keyword optimization requires patience and attention to detail. For example, check and make sure you’re not losing good key phrases when deleting a keyword.

Source By: #Google, #apptamin

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