Mobile Game Market Analysis Report of different regions in the world

The mobile game market 

The Mobile Game market is the biggest market in the whole world. A different region of the world is having a different number of customers. There is a huge variation in the number of players globally. In this blog, I will introduce you to the details of a different number of players in the world.

Worlds Mobile Game Market Analysis Report:

China Games Market 2018:

China will become the biggest market of games as 619.5 million players will spend $37.9 billion in the year 2018. There will be $23 billion of numbers generated for mobile games. For the PC games, it will be $14.4 billion and $0.6 billion will be for console games.

In China, there is a vast majority which is about 94% of paying gamers spent money on in-game items. About 68% of the population watches gaming video content. With 56% of them watch the same on mobile.

US Games Market 2018:

In the year 2018 USA will be the second largest mobile game market. About 178.7 million players will spend $30.4 billion. If I talk about the population there are 60% of men and 58% of women who play mobile games. 42% of men and 24% of woman are playing console games. About 79% are paying customers who spent money on in-game items. There is 42% of the online population watch the content of the game.

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Japan Games Market 2018:

The 3rd largest game market is Japan. In this country, there will be 67.6 million players who will spend $19.2 billion. There are total 41% of men and 32% of women who play mobile games. There are 15% of women and 30% of men who play console games. About 26% of Japans online population watches video content of games.

South Korea Games Market 2018:

In 2018, South Korea will spend a total of $5.6 billion in 2018. This makes a world’s 4th biggest games marketplace. There are 59% of men and 47% of women who play mobile games at least once per month. From the population, there is a majority of people which is about 85% who spent money on in-game items. There is 39% of the population who watch gaming content. One-fifth of them watch esports video content.

Germany Games Market 2018:

Taking consideration of Germany, it will be the 5th largest games market in the world. There will be 44.3 million players who will spend $4.7 billion. From the total population, there is 46% of men and 49% of women. There are 29% of men and 20% of women who likes to play PC games. 33% of the online population watches gaming video content.

UK Games Market 2018:

In the world, UK is 6th biggest market of games in the world.  There will be 37.3 million players who will spend $4.5 billion. From the total population, there are 49% of men and 48% of women who play mobile games. There is a majority which is about 66% who spent money on in-game items. With 24% of women are buying power-ups. 31% of the online population watches the content of the game. There are 6% of them watch esports video content several times.

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France Games Market 2018:

It is 7th largest game market in the world. In France, there are 32.8 million players who will spend $3.1 billion. There are 44% of men and 45% of women who play mobile games. From the total population, there are 61% of paying gamers who spent money on in-game items. There are 31% of men and 18% of women who are buying expansion pack and DLC.

29% of them are watch video content of games and 47% of them are watching it on PC. Out of the total, 60% of esports show the positive attitude to Coca-Cola as compare to 43% of non-viewers esports.

Canada Games Market 2018:

Canada will be on position number 8th in the top mobile game market of the world. There will be 21.2 million players who will spend $2.3 billion in 2018. From the total population, 48% of men and 53% of women are playing mobile games. On the other hand, 31% of men and 20% of women play console games. There are 31% of populations who watch games through the video content.

Spain Games Market 2018:

Spain will be in 9th position for the game market. There will be 24.6 million players who will spend $2 billion in the coming time. Out of the total population, there is 55% of men and 51% are women who play mobile games. There is 49% of men and 38% of woman who likes to play PC games. Talking about the players who like to spend money on in-game items, there is 62% of the quantity of those players. There are 28% of men who like to buy expansion/DLC packs and for women, it is 19%.

43% of Spain’s online population like to watch video content in gaming with 48% of them are watching it on their PC. 7% watch esports video content several times per month.

Italy Games Market 2018:

Italy will be on 10th biggest game market in the world. There are 26.2 million players who will spend $2 billion. Out of the total population, there are 56% of men and 53% of women who likes to play mobile games. Taking the consideration of console game, there are 41% of men and 30% of women. The majority of the paying games are 65% who likes to spend money. There are 31% of men and 24% of women who likes to expansion packs or DLC.

Out of the total population, there is 42% of the online population who likes to watch gaming video content. 8% of them are watching esports video content several times.

Russia Games Market 2018:

Globally, Russia stands on 11th biggest games market.  Out of 65.2 million, players will spend a total of $1.7 billion. Out of the total population, there are 60% of men and 39% of women who likes to play PC games. 21% of men and 13% of women play console games. There is 81% of the majority who likes to spend money on in-game items. From the past 6 months, there are 36% of men and 42% of women who are spending money and buy power-ups.

38% of the online population watches video content of gaming with 65% of them is watching the same on their PC. In a month, 8% of them watch video content several times.

Mexico Games Market 2018:

It is the 12th biggest mobile game market in the world. There are 55.8 million players who will spend $1.6 billion in 2018. There are 65% of men and 60% are women who like to play mobile games. With 47% are men and 41% are women who like to play PC games. 77% of paying games spent money on in-game items and 34% are women.

Among the total population, over 54% watch gaming video content. There are 62% of e-sports viewers who have a positive attitude towards Nvidia as compare to non-viewers which are 28%.

So this is all about the Mobile game market of the world. All the regions have a different number of players in the world. Kindly share your views in the below comment box.

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Source by Newzoo

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